The Universal Audio Silver Jubilee 2555 and Plexi Classic plugins have many of the characteristics of the real deal. Although I prefer the UA Fuchs Overdrive Supreme 50, the Marshall Plexi in particular offers excellent emulations for rock guitar tones. These aren’t typical emulations.
Record a direct signal, and then slap either one of these Marshall plugins on a track, and start twisting knobs. The tone shapes up pretty quickly.
No headaches trying to mic a cabinet, especially when you don’t have isolation for said cabinet.
Or if you don’t have an iso cab (see Grossman Audio SG-Box in another post).
Or if you don’t want to spend a ton of time trying to find a sweet spot for the mic.
Or if, or if…or if times ten.
Lots of presets to tweak out on, customize, and save.
But be prepared, if you want to run through them live, then there will be some latency when you’re plugged into your interface running through the computer. It won’t be very noticeable if you’re set up correctly, and if you aren’t running a ton of other plugins (even the Unison type from UA) simultaneously.
That said, I’d rather have the real versions of those two, but they are costly, and hard to find in good working condition. Repairs could be costly too. And at some point you just run out of room – and you run out of excuses to family members as to why you have so many amps, and guitars for that matter.