’87 Ibanez RG-550 (extreme makeover in progress)

Axes in every place, including the shower. Brings a whole new meaning to "clean tone."

Here’s the latest iteration of my ’87 Ibanez RG-550.

I removed all the hardware, and stripped the body.

Then my daughter painted designs on both sides.

I took it over to Pat Wilkins of Wilkins Guitars, and he did the factory clear coat on it.

I also moved the special hand wound single coils that luthier Mike Lipe (rest in peace) got for me for the Buberry kit guitar (featured in another post), and wired them into the pickguard from Quick Guards. All the pots are from the RG-550.

Now, I’m just a few stages away from loading all the hardware back in, wiring it up, and setting it up.

It shouldn’t need much setup.

The action on this guitar is supremely low. It’s pretty much a guitar to shred on. But with those hand would single coils it will have a unique tone.

Fun fact – there was an autograph signing at what was once Guitar Showcase in Campbell California. Paul Gilbert and Billy Sheehan were there. Gilbert signed the back of the headstock. It’s gotten worn over the years, but it’s still sort of there.

Spent most of his life having a love affair with guitar (and gear).