Electric Guitars

Here’s a kit guitar – I dub thee “Buberry”

Building guitars can be fun and relatively easy. There's different levels of quality with guitar kits. This kit in particular wasn't all that great to begin...

Acoustic Guitars

My Benz Tschannen nylon string – poetry in motion

The story of how I acquired this beautiful masterpiece in guitar craftsmanship would take too many pages to write, even as it is this...

This 12-string sings

John "J-Dub" Ward is a quiet luthier out of Costa Mesa, California. I met him and his wife at a hotel ballroom guitar show...


API Box 2 to MTRX – ‘nough said

This is an API Box 2 analog console. All instruments and mics cross through here on the way to the AVID MTRX. Yikes!

Amps and plugins

Pedals and Effects

Pedal to the Metal

I spent way too much time (and money) on this pedalboard. This pedal will take you to Saturn. Shout out to Mick and Dan...